Amaizing DELL STORES @ Mangga Dua MALL Lantai 1 no 38.......
a Nice Color Laptops for a Nice People at Work
( Liniest Black, Liniest RED and Liniest BLUE )
In the end would they choose all 3 colours ?

The Store is Packed with Amaizing People

Looked at the far-end, Alienware Desktop A51 is also in Progress.

Alienware Desktop A51 is on the GO

Digital Tablet is "ON" at DELL STORES now.

a Nice Color Laptops for a Nice People at Work
( Liniest Black, Liniest RED and Liniest BLUE )
In the end would they choose all 3 colours ?

The Store is Packed with Amaizing People

Looked at the far-end, Alienware Desktop A51 is also in Progress.

Alienware Desktop A51 is on the GO

Digital Tablet is "ON" at DELL STORES now.